Finding out late about problems? New Safi features can help

This is the first of a series of three posts describing common challenges on the factory floor, along with new Safi features designed to help solve them. 

Challenge #1: You find out about problems too late to fix them

By the time you hear about a problem, it’s often too late to solve it. Production is too far behind to recover, you’ve missed a customer deadline, or you’re running overtime. 

When you’re dependent on manual systems to find out about problems, delays are inevitable. Each person in the chain tries to fix the problem first before escalating bad news. Delays add up, and the chance to minimize damage through planning and simple adjustments is lost.

What to do in Safi: Leverage new “predictive production” alerts 

Instead of spending your time reacting to ad hoc reports of problems, set up your production runs in Safi’s new “predictive production” system so you can see at a glance which machines are on track to meet their production targets and which aren’t. By scheduling the shift or time you plan to run the machines, you can use the color-coding to spot problems in time to adjust. 

To stay extra on top of things, use Safi’s new “predictive production” alerts to get alerted to problems automatically. Setting up an SMS/WhatsApp alert to any team member if a machine is off or idle for more than a specific number of minutes, or percentage of scheduled run-time, allows you to find out right away if a production run is off track. For example, you might want to get an alert if a critical machine has been idle for more than 50% of the time in a scheduled production run. 

When you get an alert or see unexpected red or yellow that might indicate a problem in the production run, just click to see more details - exactly when the machine started to have problems, any previous challenges. For extra systematization in addressing problems, you can also use Safi’s “tags” function to assign and track issues to enable root cause analysis over time. 

To get started monitoring your own progress towards production targets, get in touch with any member of the Safi team and we’re happy to share a simple guide.

Predictive production alerts for proactive management
Weston McBride