Guidewheel New Features and Tips & Tricks: October

We’re excited to announce our October product update, which includes new feature enhancements designed to improve your productivity, efficiency, and experience using Guidewheel.

Highlights include:

  • Scoreboard: Preview Issues directly from Scoreboard

  • Uptime: Live mode now available in Uptime

  • Waste: Automatically track Waste from your Cycles data

  • Diagnostics: Easily monitor how many times your machines stop

As always, reach out to us with any questions at

What's new?

Feature update: Check out your improved Scoreboard!

We've enhanced your Scoreboard to show more information about Issues and machine performance, all in one place.

Now, you can immediately see your causes of downtime and quickly identify what's keeping the team from meeting their goals directly from your Scoreboard.

For each machine in your Scoreboard view, you’ll now also see:

  • Tagged Issues (e.g. “No Operator”)

  • Issue status (i.e. Open, Closed, Acknowledged)

  • The person assigned to the Issue

Another great addition to your Scoreboard is the new “search” bar. Now you can “search” to easily filter by the name of the machine(s) you want to see.

Dynamic performance dashboard with live updates

Feature update: Live mode in Uptime

A number of customers asked for “live mode” in Uptime, so we created just that!

Now when you click the “live mode” button in the top left corner of your Uptime screen, your page will refresh automatically every minute. This is great for teams who display Uptime screens on the plant floor and want to see how multiple machines are operating in real-time.

While you can see similar data in your Scoreboard view, this update gives teams more flexibility and control over how they want to display data so it’s most useful and actionable for their operations.

Team collaboration tools with data sharing visuals

Feature update: Tracking Waste in Guidewheel just got easier

You can now track production more easily in Guidewheel.

This new enhancement uses your Cycles data to automatically estimate Waste for each production run, and will update your OEE value accordingly.

For those focused on tracking OEE accurately and simply, this is an exciting win as our new update offers you a more hands-free experience.

Screenshot of system analytics with highlighted KPIs

This update is available to Premium customers. If you’d like to explore the Premium package, reach out to your Customer Success Manager or email


Feature update: Track how often your machines are stopping

Diagnostics keeps getting better!

Now, in the Diagnostics page, you’ll clearly see the number of stops in a period and their duration. A "stop" is defined as when a machine is running and then moves into a non-running state.

This is helpful to track not just total runtime, but also the number of stops during a period. Too many stops might indicate an issue that an aggregate runtime value might not sufficiently convey.

Operational dashboard emphasizing priority metrics

Questions? Reach out to your Customer Success Manager or email


Tips & Tricks

Tip: Did you know that Guidewheel's Scoreboard can display more than just runtime percentage?

Customize your Scoreboard to show metrics like speed, cycle time, OEE, temperature, humidity, pressure, and flow.

Layering on these additional metrics can help you get a more granular and tailored view of your operations, so your team has an at-a-glance view of how they’re tracking towards their specific goals.

Interactive graph displaying key operational statistics

Need help tracking speed, cycle time, production, temperature, humidity, pressure, or flow? Reach out to your Customer Success Manager or email


What else is happening?

🏙️ Will we see you at these conferences?

Check out this list of upcoming conferences we’ll be attending.

  • Pack Expo in Chicago IL, November 3-6, 2024

  • Association of Women in the Metal Industries in Nashville, TN, November 6-8, 2024

  • American Automotive Summit in Detroit, MI, November 12-13, 2024

Are you attending any of these events? If so, let us know here – Lauren, our CEO, would love to see you in person!

♻️ Siemens partnership

We’re excited to announce our new partnership with Siemens’ SiGreen!

We’ll be working with Siemens to help enable more of our customers and other companies to track and reduce their carbon footprints and advance towards a more sustainable world!

This partnership will help Guidewheel continue to help our customers’ operations become both more profitable and more sustainable.

🌎 World Economic Forum: Industry Net Zero

Guidewheel is also proud to be a World Economic Forum Tech Pioneer and work with the Industry Net Zero initiative.

Check out this video from the WEF, featuring our CEO, Lauren Dunford, talking about driving productivity, decarbonization, and reducing emissions.

Daniel Igbokwe