Winning teams use Guidewheel FactoryOps
Get more from existing assets, lower costs, and set your team up to win with Guidewheel's AI-powered FactoryOps platform.
Install in hours. Results in days.
The fastest way to improve factory operations.
Increase in Uptime11%
Reduction in Operating Costs16%
Efficiency ImprovementDowntime
Accurately track downtime and root causes to improve utilization and efficiency.
Forecast throughput and accurately track planned vs. actual production.
Monitor OEE in real-time and see how you’re trending over time.
Accurately track cycles, cycle time and performance against targets.
Monitor energy usage and find opportunities to reduce consumption and cost.
Predictive Maintenance
Learn of maintenance needs before they develop into issues.
Condition Monitoring
Monitor conditions like temperature, flow, humidity, and pressure.
Be the best partner your customers have ever had
- Reveal and address losses like preventable downtime, long changeovers, and late starts to unlock hidden capacity.
- Get AI-driven alerts the moment performance deviates from plan, so your team can take corrective action to stay on track.
- Run smoothly at true capacity to confidently forecast production volumes and delivery dates.
- Build customer trust by delivering on-time every time.
Elevate your team from fire fighters to problem solvers
- Empower every member of your team with the data they need to stay ahead of problems throughout their shift.
- Give your team headlights into what’s coming their way so they can anticipate rather than react.
- Create a culture of continuous improvement and accountability across the plant floor.
Focus your people and resources on the right things
- Don’t rely on gut feel alone to find and solve problems. Guidewheel gives you data on what’s happening so you know where to focus.
- With a full picture of how you’re performing in every plant, you’ll know your trouble spots and what’s causing them.
- Identify your high performers so you can replicate their best practices across the team.
Get more hours out of each day
- No more time spent reconciling logbooks and spreadsheets, or meetings where you spend more time interpreting data than taking action on it.
- Stay connected to your entire operation from your mobile device, no matter which plant or country you’re in.
- Most issues will be solved by your team before they even hit your radar, but Guidewheel will escalate the things you need to know about.
Learn how Guidewheel AI-powered FactoryOps helps you get more from existing assets, lower costs, and set your team up to win.
How it works
Clip on sensors
Install the sensors we send you. Our team will guide you through where to clip on for best results.
Gain visibility
With sensors installed, you'll see live data about your operation in Guidewheel.
Address issues
Quickly find out what’s not going as planned and take corrective action to improve.
Improve results
Higher margins. Engaged and productive teams. Happier customers. Sustainable operations.